I am a big believer that everybody has a story.
My friend, fellow writer and skating coach Paul Dore and I have been talking for a long time about doing a podcast. We wanted someplace where we could talk to people not only about what they do but about who they are. The OpenKwongDore Podcast Website was created from this idea.
I am the sort of person who strikes up conversations with people wherever I am. As a result, I have been privileged to learn about and share stories of some pretty remarkable people: Jane Ngoiri from Nairobi, Sarah Jordan from Toronto to name a couple and then there’s the animals – like the Monkey on my Back.
When I say people, I mean all kinds of people: famous, not famous, artists, writers, dreamers, singers, activists, immigrants – you name it – we’re going to talk to them.
And we hope you’ll want to listen 🙂 You can play the podcast from the episode pages on the website, download them for your own mp3 device or find us on iTunes. You can also subscribe to us on iTunes – the preview page will guide you to our location in the iTunes store and when you click on the ‘subscribe’ button you will never miss an episode!
If you have any ideas or want to be in touch – we are on Twitter @openkwongdore and we can be reached at contact @openkwongdore.com
If you aren’t already part of Pj’s Army – join me on Twitter here: @skatingpj
Paul’s Twitter can be located here: @jeffreypauldore
Thanks !