Bye Bye Bolzano
First things first. Those Guys who were supposed to come home are now at home. Those Guys who are ...
First things first. Those Guys who were supposed to come home are now at home. Those Guys who are ...
Well, gentle readers, it was a long night with a short sleep. In point form: 1. Dinner - ...
Hi again, It is show day and we are show minus about 2 hours and while the guys are playing cards ...
Greetings from Bolzano! We arrived in late morning yesterday, after having been (miraculously) reunited at the airport in Munich. As ...
Hi everyone! Mazin and I are sitting hip deep in our room in N'Ice Guys and the conversation surrounding us ranges from ...
Well, it would seem that it is a pretty straightforward thing to try and get from point A to point B ...
As you might expect, wrangling 12 sorta’ forma’ elite figure skating sorta’ men is a bit like dressing cats. To be honest, ...
With the N’Ice Guys’ trip to Italy a mere 4 sleeps away…the phone rang. *** Did I mention we were doing ...
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