Patrick Chan and books for children :)
Patrick Chan's love of books is clear. Two of my favourite worlds collided on Thursday evening: books and figure skating. First Book ...
Patrick Chan's love of books is clear. Two of my favourite worlds collided on Thursday evening: books and figure skating. First Book ...
Beverley Smith's newest book Beverley Smith has had a journalistic career that is second to none. Many of my readers here ...
What an interesting day. My thoughts are bouncing between two extraordinary men: South African Freedom Fighter Nelson Mandela in death and ...
10 years ago today I walked into the Salt Lake City Ice Center and as the French announcer for figure skating. ...
As if getting dressed up and making sure my socks matched wasn't enough pressure. A couple of weeks ago I had ...
It has been a busy couple of weeks - and I know I am not the only one who has been ...
Whew! A loooong day yesterday involving book signings at two separate locations. The first was a suburban Toronto rink - home ...
I know! I was excited too! I ran into author and amazing sports writer Steve Milton in the hallway ...
Well...although it was 2 weeks ago, it feels like the launch was just yesterday for my first book Taking the Ice. ...
I am coming down to the home stretch in writing the first draft of my book. It is going to ...
It should not have come as a big surprise but for some reason, I was caught off guard. Last August, I was ...
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